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Statement of Faith


The One True God is the eternally self-existent “I AM”, the Creator of the universe. He has further revealed Himself as a triune Being, manifested as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6: 4; Isa. 43: 10, 11; Isa. 48: 16; Matt. 28: 19; Lu. 3: 22)


All Scripture is verbally inspired by God as written in the original languages and is inerrant revelation of God to man. The Bible is the infallible authority for faith and conduct. (II Tim. 3:15-17; I Thess. 2:13; I Pet. 1: 21)


The Lord Jesus is 100% divine (Son of God) while simultaneously being 100% human (Son of Man). As God Incarnate, He is the express image of the Living God in human form. (Matt. 1: 23; Jn. 5: 22; II Jn. 3; Heb. 11:1-13)


Man was created good and upright in the image and likeness of God. The first man, Adam, through disobedience, fell from the grace of God and, thus, sin and death entered into the world. Adam’s transgression incurred, not only physical death for man, but also spiritual death which is eternal separation from God. Man’s propensity to sin, because of his sinful nature, necessitates salvation from the power of sin and a Savior to provide that salvation. (Gen. 1: 26, 27; Gen. 2:1-17, 3:4 -6; Rom. 7: 13-25)


Man’s only hope of redemption and salvation from sin is through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. His blood is completely sufficient to deliver every person from the power and penalty of sin. (Acts 4: 12; Rom. 5: 8-13, 10: 9; Ja. 1: 21; Eph. 2: 8)


Baptism by immersion in water is commanded in the Scriptures. All who repent of their sins and believe in Christ as Savior and Lord are to be baptized. (Matt. 28: 19; Mark 16: 16; Acts 10: 47, 48; Rom. 6: 4; Col. 2: 11, 12)


The church is the Body of Christ and is comprised of all believers. God inhabits the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit both individually and corporately. Since God’s purpose concerning man is to seek and to save that which is lost, to be worshipped by man, and to build a body of believers in the image of His Son, the Church’s responsibility is: 1. To evangelize the world, and 2. To be a corporate body in which man may worship and glorify God. (Acts 1: 8; Matt. 28: 19, 20; Mark 16: 15, 16; I Cor. 12: 28, 14: 12)


The Lord’s Supper, consisting of bread and a cup of the fruit of the vine, is a memorial of Jesus’ suffering and death and a celebration of His resurrection to be enjoyed by all believers until He comes again. (II Pet. 1: 4; I Cor. 11: 26)


The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit baptizes, empowers, counsels, strengthens, gives gifts, and causes fruitfulness in the believer for witnessing on behalf of Christ. Ultimately the Holy Spirit prepares the believer the be a good witness of Christ to others for the purpose of advancing the gospel. We believe in the continuation of all spiritual gifts, the Holy Spirit will disperse spiritual gifts to each member of the church according to His will until the end of the age. Spiritual gifts are to be used in compliance with the various instructions given with the New Testament. (Genesis 1:2; Isaiah 61:1-3; Joel 2:28-32; Matthew 1:18; 3:16; 4:1; 12:28-32; 28:19; John 4:24; 14:16-17,26; 15:26; 16:7-14; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4,38; 4:31; 5:3; 6:3; 7:55; 8:17,39; 10:44; 13:2; 15:28; 16:6; 19:1-6;Romans 8:9-11,14-16,26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-14; 3:16; 12:3-11,13; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 1:13-14; 4:30; 5:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Timothy 3:16;4:1; 2 Timothy 1:14; 3:16; Hebrews 9:8,14; 2 Peter 1:21; 1 John 4:13; 5:6-7; Revelation 1:10; 22:17.)


As the climax to God’s dealing with man, Jesus is coming again. At that time, there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked. The wicked will be judged and the righteous will be ushered into the everlasting kingdom of God. (I Thess. 4: 16, 17; Zech. 14: 5; Matt. 24: 27-30; Rev. 1: 7, 19: 11-14, 20: 1-6)


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