God loves you right now. He loves you right where you are, in the middle of whatever you are going through right in this very moment. He isn't expecting for you to perform for Him. He wants you to leave the things of this world behind and receive the unending grace that He purchased for you at the cross. His love compelled Him in such a way that He humbled Himself to a point that surpasses our human understanding and knowledge. John 3:16- “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Just try to wrap your mind around this thought. God, the Creator of the world, the sky, the oceans, the plants, animals, stars, galaxies, and all that we can see, became a mere man. He left His place of perfection and bliss in Heaven, he came to the wretched and sin diseased Earth, and He lived among sinful men from all different walks of life. He wept, He laughed, He showed compassion, He extended healing and
Expanding your knowledge of Scripture simply, and practically.