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Showing posts from May, 2015

A Review of: "Calvinism, Arminianism & The Word of God: A Calvary Chapel Perspective" By: Chuck Smith

Recently a Pastor friend of mine shared with me an article written by the founder of the Calvary Chapel Denomination Chuck Smith. It was written with the intention of addressing the Calvinism vs. Arminianism issue for all of the Calvary Chapel Churches. To see the article CLICK HERE . First of all I like the format of the paper in which he clearly set out to address both views and then clarify the Calvary Chapel stance. A couple of things that I noticed I want to point out below: Overall he did a fair job conveying the Arminian view, however I am not sure why he seemed to be confused on a couple of things he said. Over the year Arminius’ beliefs have been misrepresented and demonized by Calvinists so I can see why he made a few false assumptions regarding their beliefs. 1. He stated, “Arminius believed that the fall of man was not total, maintaining that there was enough good left in man for him to will to accept Jesus Christ unto salvation.” This is actually a descript

Should Christians follow the Law of Moses?

One of the first and most surprising debates in the early church to arise was "should Christians follow the law of Moses?" The reason it was surprising is because it seemed unfathomable to Jews that such a debate would ever happen. The law of Moses was considered to be something that was forever to be followed as best as one could in order to attain righteous status in God's eyes. I want to begin by saying that the question in view is not "is the Law of Moses obsolete?" The question in view is "how does the Law of Moses apply to our lives as New Covenant Christians?" Let me start off by saying that the Law of Moses is good. It represents the Holy standards of God as it relates to human conduct and morality, it also represents signifying ceremonial and dietary laws that were meant to make the Jewish people (who were chosen by God) distinct from all other nations. It is important to understand that the ceremonial and dietary laws were part of a sp